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Stephanie Barrow
Jun 21, 20233 min read
The places that scare you...
This corner of my studio scares me. So I avoid it. And it gets scarier and scarier and scarier until it starts interfering with any...
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Stephanie Barrow
Jan 29, 20232 min read
Ready or not, it's time to blog
Usually when I sit down to blog, I have several topics that have been swimming in my head for a while to choose from. And it's just a...
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Stephanie Barrow
Nov 7, 20223 min read
The other day I mentioned to a friend that, whenever I get to the studio and close the door behind me, I feel safe. He asked me what...
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Stephanie Barrow
Aug 5, 20222 min read
Personal challenges and why they work better than making to-do lists (for me at least)
First of all, making something a personal challenge rather than another item on your long to-do list, implies right way that there will...
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Stephanie Barrow
Jul 17, 20228 min read
You can't let go and hang on at the same time
A couple of weeks ago, a construction worker next door (they are completely gutting and remodeling the house) started to toss a big...
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Stephanie Barrow
May 10, 20223 min read
An unfinished painting, an unfinished life
Many of you already know that I am scheduled to have surgery for a brain aneurysm next Monday morning. I've known about this for a couple...
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Stephanie Barrow
Apr 6, 20222 min read
An 11-year-old hall monitor's dream comes true
I guess that was my age. Fifth grade. Go figure. The teacher lets me be the hall monitor, which means I can use the key to get supplies...
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Stephanie Barrow
Jan 27, 20223 min read
How do I see a difficult art process to the end?
Accepting the fact I will lose focus no matter how dedicated I am to the project is a good start. Like I'm taught to "return to my...
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Stephanie Barrow
Oct 28, 20212 min read
This Christmas is calling for a course correction
There's a lot of pressure, internally and externally, to capitalize on the gift buying that happens around the winter holidays. I've...
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Stephanie Barrow
Oct 1, 20213 min read
Who you gonna try and please with your art?
Once when I was working hard trying to enter the "art world" and prove my "worthiness" as an artist (make a living doing art), someone...
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Stephanie Barrow
Jul 29, 20212 min read
How to play with paint
I'm set to do a fundraising Sip 'n' Play event next month. It's not my first so I have some history to look back over to see what I want...
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Stephanie Barrow
Jun 11, 20213 min read
There's no one-fits-all strategy
I love reading inspirational books and watching videos about strategies other people have for living well, accomplishing goals, being...
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Stephanie Barrow
May 21, 20212 min read
Risking ruin
I've been a fan of the art process vs. getting too attached to the "final" product for as long as I can remember. I often lose interest...
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Stephanie Barrow
May 8, 20213 min read
The people who play a huge little role in your life.
I’m thinking of one in particular named Kat. She was a nurse at the hospital where my sister was beginning to die of breast cancer...
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Stephanie Barrow
Apr 26, 20213 min read
May Day
I remember making cones out of the pages of a wallpaper sample book my grandmother gave me, tying ribbons onto them (handles) and filling...
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Stephanie Barrow
Mar 19, 20213 min read
It's fun to get going on this wagon without any real end game plan. Thinking you might like to come along for the ride and see where this...
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Stephanie Barrow
Mar 7, 20213 min read
Going for organic flow of ART
I'm a planner for sure. Always have been. Love lists and notebooks and calendars and to-do lists. Love making little check-off boxes and...
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Stephanie Barrow
Feb 26, 20211 min read
Get your own shirt and help spread the love
When you buy a shirt or other product featuring my artwork, you also help me feed someone who is hungry. Thanks to my friends who shared...
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Stephanie Barrow
Feb 18, 20213 min read
You are getting way more than a T-shirt
I very nearly decided to not write anymore blogs in order to focus my efforts to spread the joy of Art and Gardens everywhere in my...
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Stephanie Barrow
Apr 11, 20204 min read
Art Lessons
365 doodles/drawings/paintings in one year On April 19th, of 2019, I decided to find out how my art and life would change if I made at...
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